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0409 759 759

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Open 7 Days: 8:00am - 10:00pm

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More information on Ebony

1. How did you get started with dog training?

Throughout my childhood we always had dogs, I would spend my time outside with them on walks, camping, riding my horses or teaching them tricks. When I grew up and moved out of home I got my own dogs and it was here that I developed a real passion for training.

2. What have you done professionally and personally with dogs?

I worked at a doggy daycare centre casually for 2 years whilst studying at university. This involved handling up to 25 dogs at any one time, all of different breeds, sizes and temperaments. This really helped me develop my understanding of dog behaviour. During this time I also did quite a bit of causal dog walking.

I trained Bailey weekly, from a puppy until 3 years of age at PK9. He is currently competing in Rally Obedience, Lure Coursing and Flyball and has also had training in Agility. Sage is in training for competition precision Obedience and Tracking. Once she is old enough we also plan to train in herding,
weight pull, back packing and endurance.

3. What dog training education have you undertaken? Also what seminars have you attended?

Certificate III in Dog Behaviour and Training – National Dog Trainers Federation
– Tyler Muto
– Tamara Jackman – Aggression Seminar
– The Balanced Canine – Canine Nutrition and Conditioning
– Gabina Macounova – Precision Obedience
– Tammy Peters & Sharonika Williamson – The Art of Engagement
– Michael Burling – A week of work experience at The Dogfather in Townsville, working with reactive and aggressive dogs

4. What aspects of dog training and behaviour do you have particular interest in?

– I have a strong passion for precision obedience however I also enjoy many other disciplines.
– Of course working with puppies is another passion of mine. It is very fulfilling helping a family with their new puppy and working with them to reach their training goals as their puppy grows and develops.
– Working with dogs to meet their full potential as well as their instinctive drives

5. What do you enjoy most about working with dogs?

I love watching the relationship and bond develop between our clients and their dogs as their training progresses.

6. Tell us a bit about your own dogs – Age, breed, what you enjoy doing with them? What they most enjoy.

Bailey is my 5 year old Whippet. Despite being a pro at zoomies he truly is a calm, chilled out little guy. He enjoys swimming at the dog pool, running along on bike rides, lure coursing, rally obedience, flyball and agility training.

Sage is 2.5 year old Rottweiler. She is the exact opposite of Bailey, full of beans and always ready to do something. Sage is currently in training for precision obedience, tracking and lure coursing. Once she is old enough she will also have training in herding weight pull, endurance and back packing. Sage was raised by her breeder using the puppy culture system. As result she is an enrichment seeker, very operant and enjoys working.

Both dogs enjoying hiking and camping on our days off!

7. What are your best two pieces of advice you can give to dog owners?

Always be aware of what your dog is feeling! This means do your best to learn about dog behaviour and body language. Your relationship and your training will dramatically improve if you are aware of what your dog’s behaviour is telling you.

Be clear and consistent! I am always telling clients this! Your training won’t progress if you don’t and your dog won’t know what is expected of him. Eg. rather than saying “Fido can you please sit for mummy”, just say “Fido sit”. We chatter to our dogs too much and this confuses them, and also enables them to check out as half the words you’re saying don’t mean anything to them. Secondly, be consistent. If you ask for a behaviour and you’re sure you were clear, you must follow through with it! This creates reliability!