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Melbourne Wide

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Open 7 Days: 8:00am - 10:00pm

More information on Max

How did you get started with dog training.

I grew up with animals, such as gold fish, turtles, birds, frogs and so on. I wasn’t allowed to have any mammals when I was living with my parents but I’ve kept reading books about dogs since I was a young child. When I got my own place, I started dog training with my dogs seriously. I had tried several dog training classes and technics and then I met Chris in 2015.

What have you done professionally and personally with dogs? Both paid and voluntarily.

I have attended local dog classes with my dogs and then PK9.
I’m volunteering at Blue Cross Animal Society as a dog trainer.

What dog training education have you undertaken? Also what seminars have you attended?

NDTF Cert lll in Dog Behaviour & Training
Pet First Aid at Essendon Vet Clinic
K9 Nose work seminar
Dog aggression seminar at Under Dog

What aspects of dog training and behaviour do you have particular interest in?

I have a particular interest in solid dog obedience in a fun way for both, dogs and humans. Interested in learning & reading dogs’ body language. Some dog activities with using their super abilities, like scent detection, retrieving and so on. Dealing with reactive dogs

What do you enjoy most about working with dogs?

I love being surrounded by lots of dogs and doggie people and talking about dogs as much as I want!

Eildon: a middle-aged Golden-retriever × Labrador. He is very friendly with other dogs and humans (sometimes, too friendly). Eildon enjoys retrieving, learning new tricks, long walk and swimming. He taught me how amazing dogs are and I decided to become a dog trainer.

Keely: a young-adult Stuffy × Australian stumpy-tail cattle dog × Bull Terrier×…whatever. She is a calm, easy going girl. She loves interactions with humans (not really with other dogs) and warm sunlight. She is reactive with cats so we are working on it (getting less reactive).

What are your best two pieces of advice you can give to dog owners?

1. If you want your dog to be calm, you have to be a calm person first .
2. Brush your dogs teeth every day.