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Melbourne Wide

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Open 7 Days: 8:00am - 10:00pm

More information on Nicki

How did you get started with dog training?

I got started training with my German Shepard puppy Bella at Vets on Parker in 2013 and Chris was the trainer.

What have you done professionally and personally with dogs?

All my training and involvement with dogs has been done with Positive K9 Training, I first started training with my GSD Bella and my interest grew from there.

What aspects of dog training and behaviour do you have particular interest in?

I am most interested in obedience. I prefer a dog that is well behaved, rather than one that does tricks.

What do you enjoy most about working with dogs?

I love “problem children” & watching them & their owners “getting it”!

Tell us a bit about your own dogs- Age, breed, what you enjoy doing with them?

Bella is an almost 4yo GSD, she is my baby girl. I love just spending time with her either at home or out & about. She is so smart & easily trained. She has a wonderful personality & makes me laugh every single day! Yes she loves to run around at the park chasing balls, going for walks or just snuggling on the couch/bed.

What are your best two pieces of advice you can give to dog owners?

a) Breathe/Relax. It took me a long time to understand that. The dog doesn’t always know what you want. Don’t get frustrated. If you do, STOP TRAINING & RELAX. Dogs feel the tension.

b) Be Consistent… can’t correct sometimes & not others. eg Don’t give him/her an old shoe to chew on & not expect them to chew up you $200 Nikes. They don’t know what is expensive & what isn’t. Give them their own dog toys.