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The Benefits of Puppy School

Running puppy

Most people believe that puppy school is only for puppies that have behavioral problems. This, however, is not the case. Puppy schools can offer a wide range of benefits for puppies of all ages. In this article, we will outline the benefits of puppy school and answer a few frequently asked questions about it.

What is Puppy School?

Puppy school is a type of behavior class specifically for puppies. It is different from other types of behavior classes because it focuses on teaching puppies the basics of obedience and socialization. Puppy school is typically offered by professional dog trainers and lasts for around six weeks. The class size is usually small, which allows each puppy to get plenty of individual attention. Puppy school is a great way to socialize your puppy and get them started on the path to good manners. It is also an opportunity for you to ask the trainer any questions you may have about raising a well-behaved dog.

What Does Puppy School Teach?

One of the essential things that puppy school teaches is socialization. This is vital for puppies, as it helps them to learn how to interact with other dogs and people. Puppy school also teaches basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, come, and down. These commands provide a foundation for further training and can help to make your puppy more well-behaved. In addition, puppy school can help to puppy-proof your home by teaching your puppy what is appropriate to chew on and what is off-limits. By attending puppy school, you can give your puppy a head start on becoming a well-rounded companion.

When Should Your Dog Go To Puppy School?

Deciding when to send your dog to puppy school can be a tough call. On the one hand, you want your furry friend to socialize and learn good manners as early as possible. On the other hand, you want to make sure your puppy is adequately stimulated. So when is the right time to sign up for puppy school?

Most experts agree that puppies should start attending classes around the age of three months. At this age, they are old enough to have received all their vaccinations and been well-socialized by their breeder or rescue organization. They are also old enough to start learning basic obedience commands. However, it’s important not to wait too long to enroll your pup in class. If you wait until your dog is six months or older, he may be too set in his ways to take well to training.

There are pros and cons to enrolling your dog in puppy school at any age. However, if you want your pup to learn the most and enjoy the experience, four months is generally considered the ideal time to start class

Cavoodle puppy learning to walk on leash

Photo credit- Shutterfly dog photography

What Are the Benefits of Puppy School?

  1. Socialization

One of the primary benefits of puppy school is socialization. Socialization is the process of puppies learning to interact with other dogs and people. It is vital for puppies to be socialized early on, as it can help them to avoid behavioral problems later in life. Puppy school is a great place for puppies to socialize, as they will be able to meet and play with other puppies their age. Most, if not all, puppies who successfully go through puppy school end up being well-behaved when in a situation with other dogs.

  1. Obedience training

Another benefit of puppy school is that it can help puppies to learn obedience training. Obedience training is the process of teaching puppies to follow commands such as sit, stay, and come. Puppies who attend puppy school will have the opportunity to learn these commands from a professional trainer. This can be beneficial, as it can help puppies to become well-behaved adults. It will also ensure that your puppies will be much easier to manage as they will be used to following commands instead of doing just about anything they want.

  1. Toilet Training

Puppy school can also be helpful for puppies who are still in the process of toilet training. Toilet training is the process of teaching puppies where and when it is appropriate to go to the bathroom. It is pretty hard to expect a puppy to be fully toilet-trained after 4-weeks of puppy training; however, the trainers can provide owners with tips or answer questions with regard to toilet training.

  1. Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common problem for many dogs, but it can be especially problematic for puppies. While it is usually hard to teach or prevent separation anxiety in class, owners can be educated on how to train dogs how to be calm when separated from their owners.

Additional Questions Regarding Puppy Schools

Are Puppy Schools Worth It?

As any new dog owner knows, puppies can be a lot of work. They need to be trained, exercised, and socialized in order to grow into well-adjusted adults. Puppy school can be a great way to accomplish all three of these tasks. During puppy school, your pup will learn basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, and come. They will also have the opportunity to socialize with other puppies and get used to being around people. In addition, puppy school can help tire out your pup so that they are less likely to chew on your shoes or have accidents in the house. While puppy school is not required, it is certainly a worthwhile investment for any new dog owner.

Are Puppy Schools Necessary?

Puppy schools have become increasingly popular in recent years, but there is still some debate over whether they are truly necessary. Advocates of puppy school argue that it provides a vital socialization opportunity for young dogs. By exposing puppies to a variety of people and other animals at an early age, they can learn to interact safely and confidently with the world around them.

Critics point out that puppies can also socialize effectively by spending time with their families and going for walks in the park. They argue that puppy schools can be expensive and stressful for both puppies and their owners and that the benefits are often not worth the cost. In fact, some “bad” experiences a puppy can have during puppy school end up lasting throughout their adulthood. This is mostly due to the fact that most puppy schools are managed and run by inexperienced or ineffective trainers.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to send a puppy to school is a personal one. Puppy owners should weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision.

Puppies learning to socialise on leash

Can Puppy School Help With Separation Anxiety?

Puppy school can be a great way to socialize puppies and help them feel comfortable being away from their owners. If you ask trainers from puppy schools, they usually say that letting puppies socialize with others can help with separation anxiety.

However, a lot of experts believe this is not the case at all times. As with people, every puppy has their own quirks, and what may work for one may not work for the other.

So while a puppy school may not directly help with separation anxiety, the trainers can provide you with the necessary instructions and tips, and be able to answer your questions.

How Much Does Puppy School Cost?

Puppy school is a great way to socialize your young dog and teach them basic obedience commands. But how much does puppy school cost? The answer depends on several factors, including the length of the class and the location. Most puppy schools offer classes that last for four to six weeks, and the cost typically ranges from $150 to $300. However, some high-end facilities may charge more. In addition, puppies who require special training or who have behavior problems may need to attend private classes, which can be quite expensive. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to save money on puppy school costs.

Finding the Right Puppy School in Melbourne

If you are looking for a puppy school in Melbourne run by certified professional trainers then Positive K9 Training’s Puppy School is the best choice.

With Positive K9 Training, your puppy will learn to:

  • Behave appropriately in the house
  • Interact with family members properly
  • Be able to socialize with other dogs with confidence
  • Be more obedient
  • and many more…

Reach out to Positive K9 Training today and ask about their puppy school. A representative will be more than happy to answer your call to set up an appointment.

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