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Top 4 DIY Enrichment ideas to fulfil and engage your dog

Dog in a sand pit

Enrichment helps to relieve stress, promote appropriate behaviour, and leaves your dog feeling happy and content. Adding enrichment into your dog’s daily routine not only gets their brain working but also allows them to satisfy natural behaviours such as chewing, chasing, and digging, which can play a factor in preventing and addressing behavioural issues.

Why not try out some of these easy DIY activities to keep your pup entertained and add in a little variety to their life!

1. Make meal times interesting!

There are a variety of treat toys and food puzzles on the market, which can be found in your local pet store and even K-mart. By making your dog work for their food, you are providing mental stimulation, helping to slow dog their eating and providing a fun activity to keep them busy.

However, one of my all-time favourite activities is taking part in your dogs daily food allowance and simply sprinkling it out in the yard. This engages their natural desire to hunt and scavenge by using their nose to snuffle out the food hidden in the grass.

2. DIY sandpit

Digging is a behaviour that is completely natural to our dogs. However, it can be quite a nuisance for us humans! Grab yourself a kiddie’s shell pool and fill it with sand to provide your dog with an appropriate place where they can dig to their heart’s content (and keep your veggie patch safe!) Burying toys and treats in the sand is a great way to encourage them to explore and dig out their treasure.

3. Flirt pole fun!

What on earth is a flirt pole, I hear you ask? Think of it as an oversized cat toy that your dog can chase, bite, and tug, which taps into their prey drive, expends excess energy and is a great way to play with your dog. You can buy flirt poles online from websites such as K9 Pro, or if you’re into DIY, you can even have a go at making your own.

Whether you have a German Shepherd or a Jack Russel Terrier, Flirt poles can be a great addition to your play routine with your dog.

4. Ditch the dog bowl

Feeding your dog through training rather than straight out of a bowl is a super easy way to incorporate mental enrichment into their life whilst also helping to improve their obedience, increase value in the handler and strengthen your relationship with your dog.

It really is as simple as popping your dogs’ food into a treat pouch, and you’re good to go!

What do you already do to incorporate enrichment into your dog’s daily routine? Let us know in the comments below your dogs’ favourite activities!

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